Welcome to Markville CSEC’s brand new website! We’re still moving in and getting accustomed to our new setting, and this site is not yet totally complete, so please bear with any issues you see. If, in particular, you have any suggestions and bugs to report, please click the “?” at the bottom-right of your screen.

What’s ready and what’s not


As of publication date, there are only two visible subclubs: Beginners’ and Advanced. We will be adding the Artificial Intelligence and Nuances of Programming subclubs at a later date, pending their existence.

If you’re wondering where the Web Development subclub went, it has unfortunately been discontinued for the 2017-2018 school year.


We have ported all of the Beginners’ lessons, and are in the process of porting Advanced lessons. This process should be complete by the end of September.


The Beginners’ resources have all been ported; however, kinks exist to be ironed out. As well, you may notice that the guides are empty; we’re currently working on writing them. Stay tuned!


There’s still a few bits left to polish; in particular, search doesn’t work yet, which is something we’re actively trying to fix. As well, we will be updating the hero backgrounds over the next few weeks with new images and visualizations from a select group of students. Check back frequently to see what we’re up to!

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