This lesson is a draft.

We're currently in the process of finishing this lesson. Check back frequently as we continue to add more content and improve our typos.

This lesson is intended to be a reference for other algorithms and techniques not otherwise covered.

Square-root Decomposition

Suppose you have a large array of \(n\) elements. You need to make \(q\) queries on this array, each requesting either a change in one element of the array or to return a range sum.

Brute-force gives time complexity \(\text{O}(nq)\)[1]. Using another array with precomputed sums also gives \(\text{O}(nq)\)[2].

Instead, we can create another array of \(\sqrt{n}\) elements, each which contains the sums of elements \(\mathopen[i\sqrt{n}, (i+1)\sqrt{n}\mathclose)\) in the original array for \(i\), the index of the new array.

In this manner, we can reduce changing an element to \(\Theta(1)\)[3] and requesting a range sum to \(\text{O}(\sqrt{n})\)[4].

And so, we can reduce the entire problem to \(\text{O}(q\sqrt{n})\).

1. worst case: every query asks for a range sum of the entire array
2. worst case: every query asks to change the first element
3. exactly two changes
4. \(\text{O}(\sqrt{n})\) individual elements to sum and \(\text{O}(\sqrt{n})\) chunks to sum