Variable declaration
if ([condition])
else if ([condition]); //terminates chain if true
//one statement will fall in an if, else,
//else if, or loop if there are no braces.
Ternary statement
[conditional expression] ? [evaluates on true] : [evaluates on false]
switch ([basic type variable])
case [constant]:
//code here
//multiple lines work
case [constant]:
case [constant]:
//without a break, the previous case falls into this
//case and will also do the code under this case.
//if before is satisfied, code here runs.
//previous two cases will fall here as they lack a break.
while ([condition])
//code here that will run when condition is true
//while (1) gives infinite loop
//strongly suggested that something changes in the condition here
if ([condition]) break; //exits the loop (works with all loops)
if ([condition]) continue; //skips all code below,
//returning to the top
//(works with all loops)
//code here is done once, then loops if the below condition is true
} while ([condition]); //you need the semicolon here
for ([initializer]; [condition]; [counter])
//special loop:
/* allows creation of counter variable which
* is checked by the condition and automatically
* updated by the counter at the end of an iteration.
* code order is as follows:
* initializer -> condition -> code -> counter
* ^ |
* \----------------/
//you can use a for(;;) for an infinite loop
//general usage is for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
[return type] [scope]::[function name]([params])
// code
// all branches must terminate by returning a value that is of
// the return type
// return type of void does not require return
// return exits function immediately
// prototype - when referencing a function that's written later in the code,
// first put up a prototype so that it won't tantrum with "I haven't seen this // yet, it must be nonexistent!"
[return type] [function name]([param types]);
Structs, classes, and namespaces
struct [struct name]
// variables or function prototypes
class [class name] : [inherits from]
public: // denotes that everything following allows public access
[class name](void); // constructor, called on create
~[class name](void); // destructor, called on delete
// variables or function prototypes
namespace [nsp name]
// variables or function prototypes
[return type] [struct/class/nsp name]::[function name]([params])
// code
// prototypes not within scope require a special header
// for their functions using the namespace resolution operator.
enum [enumeration name] : [type] // default type is int
//list of terms. ex:
ENUM_1, // = 0 = 0
ENUM_2, // = 0 + 1 = 1
ENUM_3, // = 1 + 1 = 2
MUNE_0 = 0, // = 0 = 0
MUNE_1, // = 0 + 1 = 1
MUNE_2, // = 1 + 1 = 2
MUNE_3 = MUNE_2 + ENUM_3, // = 2 + 2 = 4
MUNE_END // = 4 + 1 = 5
// enum terms are replaced by their values during compilation.
// allows for optimized readability - for example, directions can be
// enum'ed into integral values instead of a string
[type] [name][[size]] = {[list]}; // declaration and initialization
[name][[index]] // references the index of the array
[type] [name][[size1]][[size2]][[size3]]; // you can have multi-dimensional
// arrays, like this one with three
[type] * [name] = &[reference]; // decl. and init. of a reference pointer
[type] * [name] = new [type][[size]]; //decl. and init. of an array pointer
*[name] // dereference pointer
[name] + [offset] // pointer arithmetic - "point [offset] more [type]s later"
[name][[index]] // dereference of pointer array at index
*([name] + [index]) // above
(*[name]).[property] // access property of dereferenced pointer
[name]->[property] // shortcut for above
&[reference] // take address of reference - returns a pointer
[type] ***** [name]; // pointers can be nested!
// this has the potential to become a fifth-dimensional
// jagged array.
Main function
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
//begin code here
return 0;